Awarded by BANES for Outstanding Work with Families

This month Creativity Works has been honoured to receive its second award in two months.
BANES council awarded them for their Outstanding Work with Children and Families at their Celebration of Achievement Awards Evening on 10th July. The award was given to Creativity Works for their “partnership working with multi-agencies to promote early attachment development” between mother and child, through the delivery of the My Time My Space project.
This project works with women living with postnatal depression and low mood, offering a chance to make new friends, share experiences, promote wellbeing and have fun, through creative workshops. Participants work alongside a professional artist and Health Visitor at every session, to which they are referred by the GP, Health Visitor or Children’s Centre. Support, advice and guidance are offered and a crèche is provided. The project has been running throughout the area for over 8 years and is receiving growing acclaim including coverage in the national health visitors’ journal Community Practitioner in April.
Creativity Works were nominated for this award by Heidi Limbert, the Children’s Services Manager, who stated that:
“Somer Valley Children’s Centre Services have a strong and long term working relationship with Creativity Works … We nominated them for their drive and commitment to this valued partnership and the passion in ensuring running of My Time My Space – a programme that has touched the lives of many families.”
Basil Wild, Commissioning & Contracts Officer – Mental Health in BANES states:
“The Council commissions several services to help people with mental health needs lead as full, enjoyable and independent lives as possible, and we are delighted that the excellent service which Creativity Works provides has been recognised through this award”.
My Time My Space is part of the larger Mental Health Creative Support Service run by Creativity Works (funded by BANES) who also won the Arts Award at the Arts & Health South West Awards held in Bristol last month. The award was accepted with The Tiny Monuments artists collective that grew from the service into a peer-led support group and now meets regularly in central Bath.
As a National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) of the Arts Council England, Creativity Works also receives a large proportion of their funding from the Arts Council who are very impressed with the recent awards achieved.
Raj Patel, Children, Young People and Learning Relationship Manager, South West, Arts Council England says:
“I’m really pleased to see one of Arts Council England’s National portfolio organisations, Creativity Works, recognised for their life-changing creative work with people in the community. The Arts Council believes that art has the power to bring communities together and enrich lives, bringing a value to people’s lives that far surpasses the relatively small subsidy it receives. My Time My Space is a great example of arts, health and social care sectors working collaboratively to improve lives. Well done!”
For more information about the Mental Health Creative Support Service or My Time My Space contact / 01761 438852 or visit our website