B&NES Civic Reception held in our honour

The Chairman of Bath & North East Somerset Council says:
“Creativity Works is yet another national beacon of excellence to be found in Bath & North East Somerset, and I congratulate them on their splendid award. There can be few more important causes in the country than raising people’s level of happiness and mental health.”
Creativity Works’ Mental Health Creative Support Service supports people who are in the process of recovery from on-going mental health problems, anxiety or depression, through creative activities including arts and craft, sculpture, creative writing and singing. Participants learn new skills, build confidence and make friends and are encouraged to continue the work themselves, many going on to become support groups and social enterprises in their own right.
Tiny Monuments Artists Collective originally formed in 2012 through one of Creativity Works’ projects. Since they started, Tiny Monuments have run workshops and curated exhibitions at five major events, including the recent What Works conference. The progress they have made was highlighted, both via the Arts Award and at Tuesday night’s Civic Reception, as a shining example of how creative work can have a lasting impact when nurtured and developed with care.
“It has taken time for the impact of winning this award to sink in. Personally, the award reflects my determination to challenge the stigma of mental illness by gaining recognition for the quality of my creative work. For the group, winning this award reinforces our belief that mental illness is only a part of our stories. We can create new positive images and stories for our lives. ” Member of Tiny Monuments.
“Tiny Monuments has provided us with a unique opportunity to be part of collaborative projects in a supportive non-judgemental environment. We have developed in Tiny Momuments a creative environment where mental wellbeing is encouraged positively. It is thrilling to have our achievements recognised by an award.”
Member of Tiny Monuments.
Philippa Forsey, Project Manager at Creativity Works said:
“We are delighted that we see these emerging artists’ lives turn around through Creativity Works’ projects and we are thrilled to be honoured at this Civic Reception by the Chairman of Bath.”
For further information about the work of Creativity Works or the Tiny Monuments Artists Collective, please contact:
Philippa on 01761 438852 /