Check out Jill Carter’s Curious Narratives Exhibition

Artist Jill Carter who, with the support of Jo Byron (Trustee of Creativity Works’ specialising in Fundraising), recently gained “Grant for the Arts” funding, presents her exhibition “Curious Narratives”. Jo and Jill shared the knowledge fundraising knowledge and experience of this journey in a recent co|Create workshop for Artists and Creatives.
Jill’s exhibition “Curious Narratives” explores the notion of identity through the act of storytelling, depicting narrative through stitched words and images, photography, print, drawing, artist’s books, archives of curios and sound.
Jill invites you to join her in-situ, working and playing, in the ever changing space of the Feddon Gallery during a six day performative exhibition / artist residency. Multi-media works in progress will be exhibited and developed in response to people, place and stories, inspired by experiences and research, resulting from a three week trip to Italy in summer 2013, made possible through the Theresa Knowles Bursary awarded by the RWA.
Curious Narratives will subsequently tour to include Swindon Central Library, Richard Jefferies Museum & Fox Talbot Photographic Museum, National Trust, Lacock Abbey.
Event Details:
Curious Narratives – Exhibition/residency/workshops with multi-media artist Jill Carter
18th – 24th February 2014, Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1PX
For more information, please see click here to see flyer for the event.