Come along to the Wellbeing Festival this Friday

Wellbeing Summer Festival
Promoting positive mental health in the modern world
Come along with your family and friends to the Wellbeing and Mental Health Summer Festival taking place on Friday 18th July 2014 at Green Park Station in the centre of Bath at 11:00 am – 3:30 pm and entrance to the event is FREE.
Enjoy a fun-filled day that raises awareness and promotes positive mental health and wellbeing, with a focus on informing people about the groups and services available in B&NES. The festival will include a variety of different entertainment. There will be food and drinks, music, market stalls, workshops, games and activities suitable for all ages. Local groups will be hosting free workshops and taster sessions throughout the day.
Interesting and informative activities will be provided by volunteers and staff who are passionate about and work in the areas of: mental health, wellbeing, peer led and creative groups, homelessness, carers, drugs and alcohol.
Everybody is welcome on the day. You can find more information on the festival page of the New Hope website:
If you would like to be involved or have any questions please contact the festival planning team via email at:
Visit the facebook page – Bath Wellbeing Festival 2014, and follow the news on twitter @Bathwmhd
Green Park Station in Bath on July 18th 11am – 3.30pm
This event will be free to attend, with a small fee for some activities to cover costs. Any profits will be put towards creating a similar event next year.
This event has been planned by a collaboration of groups in B&NEs and has received funding from both Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust and Quartet Community Foundation.
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Editor’s notes
This is a collaborative project supported by many partner organisations that run projects across Bath & North East Somerset to support wellbeing and mental health. The Wellbeing Festival is based on the World Mental Health Day events that have been run across B&NES over many years. Normally this event would happen in October but this year in an attempt to harness the good weather it is being run in the summer sunshine.