Coffee and Cake to celebrate World Mental Health Day

Friday 10th Oct, 10.00am – 2.00pm
St. Johns Church, Keynsham, BS31 2BL
Drop in for coffee, cake and good company to celebrate World Mental Health Day.
For anyone feeling isolated or affected by mental health issues or would like to improve their mental wellbeing. Meet members of local support groups and find out more about what’s on offer in Keynsham.
For further details contact:
Philippa at Creativity Works 01761 438852, or Robin Moss 0117 986 3354 ext 207, @ One Youth & Community Centre.
Supported by Creativity Works, Breathing Space, Rethink, Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership, Sirona, Sport & Active Leisure, St. Johns Church, @One Youth & Community Centre and more…