Could you be a Trustee of Creativity Works?

Trustees Required
Creativity Works is a thriving arts and health charity, based in Radstock, just south of Bath.
We specialise in delivering outstanding creative projects with communities through our artistic practice in Socially Engaged Arts. Projects are targeted at specific communities in areas of Health and Wellbeing, with people of all ages.
We are entering the next stage of our development as an Arts Council England funded NPO, and we have need of certain extra skills on our Board. You will be interested in volunteering as a Trustee, with time and energy to devote to this important company. You will have skills in any of the following:
- Human Resources;
- Legal Services;
- Fundraising;
- Marketing and PR;
- Accounting;
- or the Visual Arts.
You will be helping to lead a hard working, creative and dedicated team of staff, steering the way in the effective growth and promotion of this expanding organisation.
Trustees meet at least 6 times a year and we encourage engagement in particular areas of work and ongoing projects.
Further detail about our work is available on our website, by liking us on Facebook ( or following us on Twitter (@CW4everyone).
If you would like to assist our work as a Trustee of Creativity Works, please apply in writing, enclosing CV, to Karl Bevis, Chairman ( Applications are encouraged by 27th April, however consideration of applications will be ongoing.
Please feel free to spread the word – you can download the Trustee advert here. Thank you.