Highly Commended & Partnership Working
This month has been one of extremes. From the glitz and glamour of the Bath Life Awards, where we were highly commended in the Creativity category, to the studious environment of the Cultural Commissioning learning programme.
Spending two days alongside other cultural organisations, many of whom had travelled to Bristol from far-flung locations such as Glasgow and Northumberland, was a very interesting and empowering exercise. We were treated to a Q&A with a Bristol based commissioner who painted a very bleak picture for the arts within the landscape of future funding. Many there were ready to throw in the towel straight away! Creativity Works however is leading the way in commissioning in the south west, already being a case study for the arts council amongst others. However we too certainly have a lot to learn. Becoming experts in the health, social care, or any other environment or sector takes a huge amount of time and effort. For me, the best way to proceed in commissioning is to be in partnership with the bigger players within a specific area, both geographically and professionally. As an organization we place a huge amount of focus on cultivating our partnerships and creating mutually beneficial ways of working. We are currently undertaking some very exciting and potentially fruitful scoping on a number of commissions. We hope to lead the way not only in this new world for cultural organisations, but also in creating new business models for the arts. We shall see.
I currently have three days off and am writing this from the glamour of North London. I am very much hoping to catch the Goya exhibition at the Courtauld gallery and, most importantly, the Elvis exhibition at the 02. ‘Thank you very much…!’