Celebrating Our Volunteers

On Weds 1st June, Creativity Works held an evening of celebration for all our volunteers at The Roper Gallery in Bath Artists’ Studios with the backdrop of all the beautiful work that had been produced as part of the Fresh Art@ project. We have had around 20 volunteers helping us deliver our projects and programmes over the last year and it was lovely to be able to thank so many in person. We also invited Creativity Works participants, whose lives had been touched by the work of our volunteers, to send through their comments on what having a volunteer meant to them. Jackie Mason, a Writing Space member, put together a special poem of thanks for us to read out at the event:
Thank You!
I’d like to say a ‘thank you’ to all our volunteers
The work you’ve done for groups you’ve run
To you we give three cheers.
Your giving hearts and caring hands of these you can be proud
The time you’ve spent, your skills impart
You help lift us above a cloud
So thank you for your hard work
We thank you from our hearts
For without your caring efforts
We would probably fall apart J
So thanks!
Several others turned up to deliver their thoughts in person, directly to their volunteer or in a short speech of thanks to everyone there. Hearing the ways in which volunteers’ work affects the lives of those we work with is always incredibly powerful and many of us found ourselves on the edge of tears, such was the heartfelt warmth of the words they shared. As Volunteer Support Worker I gave a short speech thanking each volunteer individually for the time they donate to supporting our work to express our gratitude for all our volunteers do.
De from the Peer-lead group Writing Space also read out a piece she had written especially to thank their volunteer Roz Mascall:
Volunteer Help with Writing Space
The volunteer makes a very appreciated addition to the group.
Taking on week by week, a very helpful roll with the Writing Space.
Helping the facilitator to inspire our group in many ways, always with cheerful patience, helping to keep us on track and concentrate. Also encouraging work, always ready with a helping hand or word!
In addition, finding time to present us with a tea break!!
On top of all this work and help, most importantly has helped in many ways with the running and organisation of areas, such as helping with the filling out of forms, when needed to apply for funding of the group. REcently, to put together a show piece of our work for The Streets of Bath exhibition at Bath Abbey.
Roz’s help was really appreciated by all the group, in fact her assistance made our input possible. Please Roz, accept our thanks and appreciation for all your very kind and thoughtful help. We all hope you will be about to join us in the future, your attendance and company is so looked forward to week by week. With all good wishes to you Roz and thanks from De.
Creativity Works would not be what we are without volunteers. Volunteers extend our reach and increase our capacity, enabling us to support far more people than we would otherwise. Our volunteers have often had experience of challenging situations first hand or by association, and they come to us to give back to a community that they know is in need of our support. We are so grateful for the generosity of all those who offer their time and energy to help us help others. This evening of celebration was held in appreciation of their kindness.
But volunteering is also about what we can do to support our volunteers. We have recently set up a pilot scheme to support one volunteer to become a creative facilitator, with an allocated a mentor, to help her take this next step in her creative journey with confidence. Creativity Works is as committed to supporting our volunteers’ progression as we are to supporting that of our participants. If you’d like to take the next step in your creative journey it’s worth getting in touch to see how we might be able to support you in a volunteering role that helps you develop relevant experience and skills.
If you or anyone you know would like to help us by donating your time as a volunteer please contact Camilla at or ring the office on 01761438852 and ask to speak to Camilla or Philippa.