Director’s Blog

This summer we have launched our inaugural Summer Wellbeing Challenge. If you haven’t seen it, or joined in yet, it’s not too late. Go to our website, or our social media channels, to join in the fun and to promote your Wellbeing whilst the sun shines!
So far, we have just completed week one, ‘Connect’ where we have been encouraging our participants to send a postcard, give someone a hug, introduce friends who don’t know each other, or have a bring ‘n’ share lunch, amongst many other possibilities.
This week is ‘Be Active’ and I have certainly taken this to heart by joining a local Yoga class. Those who know me have probably just fallen from their stools, but I have to say, I loved the first class and can’t wait until Thursday for the next one. I think it may take quite a while to get to grips with it, or indeed until I can touch my toes without grimacing, but already I feel my Wellbeing increased by connecting, being active and learning something new.
Next week is ‘Take Notice’ week. Have a look at the suggestions on our website, or make up your own and let us know what you are up to. I think I may well take the dog for a walk on a new route each day, lucky pup!
Please do contact us if you have been joining in the Summer Wellbeing Challenge as we’d love to hear if it has been working for you and how we may progress it next year. #summerwellbeing
In other news, our Chair of Trustees, Karl Bevis, has decided to step down after the sterling work he has undertaken as both a trustee and subsequently, Chair. We will have a proper good-bye nearer the time, but we wanted to thank him for all of his advice, humour and commitment over the last few years. We are now actively searching for a new Chair, so if you feel you may be the right person, or know someone who is, please do get in touch with us. The organisation has some very exciting plans afoot, so now is a great time to be involved.
With the sun at last shining, the Olympics underway and the start of the Football and Rugby seasons fast approaching, I am naturally, in seventh heaven. You may even see the occasional sun salutation taking place through my office window in Radstock!
Enjoy the rest of the summer and don’t forget the Summer Wellbeing Challenge.
(Director, Creativity Works)