A Focus on: Annelies Egli – Artist

What is your connection with Creativity Works?
I was approached late last summer by CW : would I be interested in facilitating a series of textile based sessions with a group of people in the outskirts of Bath? I am an artist with some specialist experience of creative textile processes, a subject I taught for several years in a small women’s community college in Bristol.
How did you first come across Creativity Works?
I must be some sort of fossil that remained on the database from the distant past when CW was still Nesa! I can’t remember having any dealings with CW until January this year when I treated myself to a professional development/training day that was organized by CW in /Bath.
What made you want to work with this organisation?
It all looks so interesting and varied and definitely my kind of thing : ‘explore develop and grow’ through creativity is a motto I have shared for years, be that in my role as teacher, community artist or group worker who devised activities in day services for many years in the past.
Which projects have you been involved with / how have you helped support Creativity Works?
The group I have been working with calls itself Skill Seekers , it is of a loose structure with a steady but small core alongside new people still joining as my sessions with the group are taking their course.We are exploring creative textile techniques such as felting, weaving, stitching etc and my aim is to leave the group with a ‘tool kit’ containing materials and a record of the activities that have been tried during the sessions. The idea is that through the sessions the group will be better equipped to continue and build on the newly acquired skills, as well as share new skills amongst each other as people get to know each other better.
What have you enjoyed the most about working with Creativity Works?
I have only just started working with CW but I like what I perceive as a good degree of fluidity and flexibility within the organisation which are the hallmarks of creativity itself. It does feel like an organisation which is responsive to ideas and needs as they arise from within the community it serves.
What have you found surprising about Creativity Works?
I am impressed by the range and diversity of projects that CW is making possible and accessible to so many people.
In what way has Creativity Works been of value or support to you?
As an artist who likes working with people CW is of immense value to me with regards to information, training, networking , professional development and facilitation work.
What has been your biggest professional , personal or creative achievement to date?
It is often the things that cannot be seen or clearly measured that to us personally amount to our biggest achievements! I would never have thought I could give up smoking for example or enjoy so much peace and joy in my life as I do now. Two steady contributors to this long process of harmonisation are my art and meditation practice.
Do you have any creative aspirations for the future (with or without Creativity Works)?
There are several ideas that stand out for me at the moment: I would like to explore working on my art outdoors. Another area of interest hitherto unexplored would be a collaboration. Last but not least: an exhibition in my native Switzerland!