FreshArt@ 2018 Programme

*PLACES STILL AVAILABLE* Referrals are now open for the Fresh Art@ 2018 project run by Creativity Works, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) and the Museums of Bath: The Holburne Museum, No. 1 Royal Crescent and The American Museum in Britain. The aim of this project is to enliven NHS environments with […]
Read More2017 in Review

During this past year Creativity Works have evolved a wide range of programmes, workshops, training opportunities for artists, participants, volunteers and communities. The breadth and depth of these has been far reaching and too numerous to detail here but some highlights include: The continued development of our co|Create programme supporting artists working in the field […]
Read MoreDirector’s Blog – December

Amongst the many articles, blogs and research documents that I strive to read, but in truth, very rarely manage the time to completely digest, there was one this week that struck me, from The Stage. Its focus was on theatre and engagement, entitled, “Theatre with, not for, local communities is the way forward.” There was […]
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