CW to speak at Conf. for Culture, Health & Wellbeing

Creativity Works, peer group members and volunteers alongside University researchers will present their findings based on recent participatory action research with University of the West of England and University of Bath.
We will review some of the discoveries and identified challenges around the question of: How can creative activity support sustainable models of wellbeing and mental health recovery?
Interest in supporting the sustainability of creative groups has led to the co-creation of a Toolkit to support peer led groups and participatory research with UWE and Bath University.
Philippa Forsey, Manager of Creative Wellbeing Programmes for Creativity Works.
Lynda Tweedie, Artist and volunteer member of Creative Perspectives creative peer support group in Bath.
Tom Cook, Writer and volunteer member of Writing Space creative peer led group in Bath.
Dr Justin Rogers and Megan Robb are from the University of Bath and have an interest in community based participatory research and public engagement.
Monday 19th June 4pm – 5pm
Peer led Groups and Co-production in arts and health
Venue – City Hall Lord Mayors Room
Tickets the the conference are available here [Deadline to buy tickets is 31st May]