CW Events during Fringe Arts Bath 2017

FreshArt@ Exhibition
South Corridor, RUH, Bath
New artwork created for the walls of Swallows Therapy Rooms, Paulton Hospital by participants on the creative wellbeing programme and inspired by workshops within the Holburne Museum, No 1 Royal Crescent and the American Museum supported by AWP, Creativity Works and Virgin Care.
Venue: Bath Royal United Hospital, South Corridor, Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NG
Opening times: All Day
Dates Tuesday 30th May – September. Entrance free
‘An Hour A Day’
We will be running some free ‘taster’ creative wellbeing workshops during FAB ’17.
Please check our website for up to date details of venue and times
Booking is essential – contact or 01761 438852
Venue: 44AD, 4 Abbey St, Bath, BA1 1NN
Opening times: 10 – 4pm
Dates: Tuesday 30th May – Friday 2nd June