Will you help us unlock £250 of match funding?

We have an opportunity through Local Giving to unlock £250 of match funding for our Palace of Wonder project which starts this month in Radstock and we need your help!
The Palace of Wonder, the first instalment of our new young people’s initiative, The Radstock Arts Project, starts this month and is aimed at supporting young vulnerable women aged between 11-19. The Palace, facilated by artist Edwina Bridgeman, will be open weekly as a place to come and create, explore and relax. This project has been created as a result of the identified need in Radstock and the Somer Valley from a research project conducted with the University of Bath.
How the funding will be spent
The money raised will go towards enabling vulnerable young women to access the workshops and further support. There will be an emphasis on the exploration of materials with opportunities to work collaboratively and independently.
How this will benefit the community
Key Outcomes:
- Promoting mental health, wellbeing & physical health
- Improving social inclusion & quality of life
- Increasing social contacts/ social capital
- Reducing anti-social behaviour
- Reducing addictive behaviour
- Realising personal growth & developing creative potential through learning & development of skills
- Developing relationships, trust and hope
- Provide early intervention & prevention initiatives which create long term savings in social & health care
How you can help by
- making a donation
- sharing our appeal on social media
- sharing with your friends, family and anyone you think would like to support this project