Do you live in the Somer Valley or Foxhill area?

Do you have a passion for the arts and the ‘ear’ of your community?
Have you got what it takes to give a voice to their views?
If you want to see the arts and creativity make a difference to your area we’d love to hear from you!
Community-minded residents from the Somer Valley and Foxhill areas are being invited to apply for a role as a
Community Representative on the Arts Development Co-Producers Group.
Community Representatives will provide valuable expertise and experience to help inform the arts development commissions in their area.
The role includes:
• Assist in the interview process for arts providers wanting to deliver the artistic programme
• Work together to co-produce the artistic programme
• Assess the quality of the programme and its impact on the community
• Promote the role of the arts in community development
• All relevant training and mentoring will be provided
You must be able to commit to:
• Training Day: Monday 27th November 2017
• Contractor Interviews: 6th (Somer Valley) – 8th (Foxhill) December 2017
• One meeting per month during 2018
• A two-weekly catch-up conversation with the Cultural Producers
• Meeting with Artists and the community and attending arts events as and when necessary
This is a voluntary post and expenses plus travel will be paid per meeting. Applicants must be 16+
Shortlisted applications will be invited to attend an informal interview
To apply please complete and submit the application form to: or send/hand-in to Creativity Works, Leigh House, 1 Wells Road, Radstock, BA3 3RN
The closing date for applications is 12:00 noon on 23rd November 2017
Application Form: Community Representatives Application Form