Director’s Blog – December

Amongst the many articles, blogs and research documents that I strive to read, but in truth, very rarely manage the time to completely digest, there was one this week that struck me, from The Stage. Its focus was on theatre and engagement, entitled, “Theatre with, not for, local communities is the way forward.” There was much that I agreed with in this commentary, although for those of us working in Socially Engaged Arts for a number of years, we have been singing from this hymn sheet for a while. I was especially drawn to hearing that at the Engage conference in Hull at the end of November, Arts Council England’s deputy chief executive Simon Mellor indicated that Arts Council England’s strategy is likely to move from “great art for everyone” to “great art with everyone”. I also thoroughly reinforce David Jubb’s words regarding Creativity: “People who work in culture have easy access, and a level of expertise, to one of the most powerful ways of bringing people together and making positive change: our shared creativity.”