Help support Writing Space

Copies of the Writing Space Anthology booklet are now available to buy with all profits going to support the continued running of the group.
The anthology is an A5 soft cover booklet with 18 original works written by Writing Space members. Each copy is £3.50 and includes P&P to any UK address (if international postage – please contact us) . If you would like to buy more than 5 copies, please contact us directly to combine p&p costs.
All profits from the sale of these booklets goes towards supporting the running of the peer-led writing for wellbeing group.
Please allow 14 days for delivery. THANK YOU for your support.
Would you like to join Writing Space?
Keen to welcome new members, Writing Space is a creative peer-led support group for anyone who has some experience of writing and would like to meet with others in a friendly informal group to develop and share ideas. You don’t have to be a published writer! This group is fun and welcoming to all and is suitable for anyone that would like to develop their writing skills. Bath: Tuesdays 1 – 4pm.
If you interested in joining this group please book a place with Philippa at Creativity Works: 01761 438852