Welcome to Michael, Our New Chair

We’d like to extend a very warm welcome to Michael Whitcroft who joins us as our new Chair of the Board of Trustees. We asked Michael a few questions…
What made you want to join us as our Chair?
I am immensely proud of the fact that the Trustees and Oliver Jones, the Director, have asked me to be a Trustee and their Chair of the Board. I have been passionate about the Arts all my life and have had previous experience as a Trustee at The Sulis Trust (which helped people with mental health issues find employment) and Julian House who help the homeless. Working with Creativity Works has combined my two passions….the arts and helping to overcome social disadvantage and social disengagement.
Tell us a bit about you…
Although I trained as an art historian and did a brief spell in arts administration, I had a marketing and business career for over 40 years, working in a range of sectors which included baby food, the NHS and publishing. When corporate life and I parted company I eventually ran my own business for 15 years. My wife and I live in Bath, have two sons and we recently became grandparents.
Cultural experience that’s inspired you
I have never forgotten going to a Henry Moore exhibition at Tate Britain in the 1960s while I was at school…that and the enthusiasm of our school’s art master really inspired my love of the Arts.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given
‘Listen…and learn!’