Artist Network Groups – Join us?

At this challenging time, we are focused on supporting artists in all aspects of their work and life as much as we can. We believe it is vital that you are as connected as possible to other artists going through the same challenges, who are able to offer peer-support on a regular basis.
We will be piloting a new initiative, Artists Network Groups. Essentially, these will be made up of a group of up to 8 artists in each group who will meet weekly, or at their convenience, to support, inspire and promote each other’s wellbeing and practice.
The groups will meet over Zoom and will initially be facilitated by a Creativity Works member of staff. When ready, and armed with bespoke guidelines, the group will then self-facilitate their own sessions. There will also be an online space where members from other groups can communicate and share their learning and advice.
If you are interested in being part of a group, please complete the form by clicking on the link below. [Opens a new window]
The Creativity Works Team