Be part of the 1000 Feathers for Stourhead Project

Our partnership Project with National Trust Stourhead, Well Wessex and Studio Meraki has launched!!
The 1000 Feathers project, which marks the 75th anniversary of the National Trust caring for Stourhead, has now been installed in the beautiful gardens of Stourhead and we are inviting you to join in and be a part of this landmark project.
Over 800 feathers have been made so far by local community groups, National Trust volunteers and Staff, which have been arranged as a ‘murmuration’ by Steph Tudor and Kerry Russell, the artists behind the vision. Made from milk bottles, the artwork also highlights the need to consider the environmental impact that we have, and what we can do to protect it.
If you’d like to take part and make your own feather, which you can do from the comfort of your own home, click on the link find out how to get involved: 1000 Feathers National Trust 75 Stourhead
Image credit: National Trust Images / Trevor Hart