Inspiring Care Homes Project – Artist Call

The Project
Everyone has been through incredibly difficult times over the last year, and the care sector has been hit particularly hard.
The Inspiring Care Homes Project will support the wellbeing of Care Home staff and residents by providing inspiring, uplifting and energising support sessions, activities and resources.
The project, based in Bath & North East Somerset will offer support to over 40 Care Homes and will include a blend of face-to-face sessions outdoors, indoors and, online with downloadable activity resources with sessions being run between end of September – December 2021.
Evidence has proven that creativity helps people explore, develop and grow at any age and being creative, in any form, supports health, wellbeing, and greatly enhances quality of life. Some people say they are not creative, but we know that creativity can be accessed in many ways and it promotes a sense of fun and opens up new ways of communicating!
We are looking for Artists to offer creative proposals in response to the brief described below. By ‘creative’ we mean anything that is creative or cultural including music (e.g, singing, percussion, playing an instrument), dance, drama, visual arts (e.g, painting, drawing, photography), crafts, digital arts, poetry, creative writing, baking and being outdoors.
We would like you to consider how diversity is valued and celebrated within a care home community alongside the needs that are being supported including; hearing and visual impairment, dementia, falls, isolation, mental health and palliative care.
Artists Brief: What we are looking for & how to apply
We are looking to work with socially engaged artists who have experience in delivering creative sessions for people experiencing mental health challenges and who have experience of working in a Care Home. Please note: Some training can be provided around dementia and mental health awareness.
If you are interested in this opportunity please provide a Project Vision for delivering a one off session of between 1 – 3 hours or a series of up to 4 creative sessions for staff working in a Care Home environment and how you can meet the needs of working with this audience.
Also provide a brief outline plan of your activity(s) and how you can deliver the activity(s) either face-to-face, indoors, outdoors, online and/or as a resource. Include details of how long your session will be, how your creative idea can involve as many people in a care setting as possible and how the online resource will work. Please keep your plan to no more than 2 sides of A4.
Include any relevant training and experience of working in a Care Home environment or with adults affected by mental health and how you have addressed some of the potential challenges.
Include available days, dates and times to deliver your sessions between end of September and December 2021
- To create high quality creative sessions and outcomes through creativity, conversation and relationships.
- Work in a flexible and emergent way allowing the outcomes to be determined through conversation and dialogue with all participants.
- Devise creative activity ideas that can also be shared as a creative resource (a downloadable document or film – Creativity Works will provide guidelines and support for this)
- Start the process from where people are at, current experiences, activities ideas and feelings, involving people in decision making.
Artists Fees per session £100
Material costs per session £25 – £50
Application Process
Please submit your application by midnight 1st September 2021
Applications can be emailed to
or posted to: Philippa Forsey, Creativity Works, 1 Wells Road, Radstock, Bath BA3 3RN.
If you have any questions or would like further information about the Care Home Project, please contact Philippa Forsey, who will back in the office from 24th August.