
Inspiring and empowering people
through creativity to explore, develop and grow


Creative collaboration – Pictures & Words

There’s been a lovely collaboration going on between Writing Space and Keynsham Snap & Stroll, two of our peer-led groups.

Greg [who facilitates Writing Space] and Adrian [who facilitates Keynsham Snap & Stroll] have been exchanging pictures and words as a way of connecting the two groups and creating prompts for each other.

Over three sessions the two groups have created a shared body of images and writing inspired by each other. “Following on from the first words Writing Space gave us, we sent back photos and the next words that arose were Golden and Movement. Here are some photos from that,” said Adrian. The images above show two of the groups responses.

“This was a great collaboration for Writing Space, it allowed people to see the true results of their writing and how it inspired photography, and to get a taste for it themselves, along with writing about a number of interesting concepts and points!” added Greg.

Even though this collaboration has concluded for now, we can see this working with our other groups as a way to connect them and to share that creative spark in it’s many forms.

If you’d like to join Writing Space or Keynsham Snap & Stroll – go here


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