
Inspiring and empowering people
through creativity to explore, develop and grow


Your generosity, however little you can afford, helps give some of the most marginalised people in the communities we work with access and opportunity to be creative. Creativity can be a magical ingredient helping people on their path to recovery; a therapeutic journey of self-discovery; a catalyst for change and solutions.  There are many ways that your donation can make a difference.

Please click “donate” below to make an online donation.


£10 will buy some materials for young carers to take time out at school.

£50 will help towards sessions for a young women suffering from post natal depression

£200 will buy an artist for a local community event

£500 will help a peer led group book rooms over 6 months

£1000 will provide a family in trauma or recovery with time to escape and bring a bit of laughter and playfulness back in to their lives.

£5000 will provide a twelve week course for eight women with enduring and severe post natal depression.


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