
Inspiring and empowering people
through creativity to explore, develop and grow

My Time My Space

Supportive creative workshops for women with post natal depression

“There’s a supportive artist who inspires you, there’s a health visitor to support you, and there are people who are similar to you to listen, to express. And there’s time. But all of it added up together becomes more than that. A lot more than that.”


My Time My Space is an innovative partnership project between Creativity Works, Health Visitors and Children’s Centres. My Time My Space provides a ‘safe space’ environment where women can express themselves creatively and gives opportunities to develop community and peer support for women locally.

10-15% of all new mothers suffer with postnatal depression

(Dept. of Health 2010).

Participants work alongside an experienced professional Creativity Works artist and Health Visitor at every session and are referred by the GP, Health Visitor or Children’s Centre. Support, advice and guidance is offered by a professional Health Visitor present at every session and a creche is provided. My Time My Space offers time and space for personal and social development, a chance to make new friends, share experiences, promote wellbeing and have fun.

“It’s truly transformative. This is a multifaceted approach that meets the needs of women socially, creatively and psychologically”

Health Visitor

My Time My Space has reduced postnatal depression scores as seen through expressed feelings, improved parent infant interactions and evidenced via screening tools such as using the EPDS (Edinburgh postnatal depression scale). It has also had recognised positive impacts on individual and family well-being. Participants report feeling that they have gained confidence and progress onto social, community, educational and employment opportunities and running their own groups.

“I feel we are helping them to start on a journey to recovery. It has had so much impact on so many people’s lives I just wish I could offer it to more women”

Health Visitor

We currently have a number of My Time My Space courses running, please get in touch for more information or to join a group.

If you are a commissioner or a Health Visitor looking to find out how Creativity Works can help you set up My Time My Space in your area, please contact us. We offer resources, training, socially engaged artists and consultancy to help you develop My Time My Space to your local need.

To find out what My Time My Space courses we have currently running click here.

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